Services provided by Halcro

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VTS system consultancy 

Technical consultancy services for VTS systems. Halcro can provide independent advice on all technical aspects of VTS and related equipment in the maritime sector. Halcro have experience in assisting our customers with preparing the requirements for a new or updated VTS system. Halcro can follow this through with ensuring the system you get, meets the required specifications and standards. Site visits can be undertaken to assess the quality and workmanship of existing installations and help can be provided in rectifying defects.

Service PC display with tools

VTS system service and maintenance

Halcro undertake service and maintenance visits on VTS systems all over the world. This can vary from one off site visits, to regular maintenance contracts. Work done includes assessing the state of equipment, rectifying defects, replacing consumable items, discovering potential problems before a failure occurs and so on. Remote maintenance can also be undertaken on many systems by checking log files and performance statistics of the equipment - this can allow for diagnosis of faults, and advice can then be given so that the problem can be repaired by a local team. Halcro are able to rectify and resolve both hardware and software defects.

Collage of installation parts and pictures

VTS system installation

Halcro can assist with installation tasks with VTS systems. Whether it is a full system installation, a system extension or replacement of existing parts such as a new radar antenna, Halcro can assist with or arrange for the work to be done. Halcro can also ensure any new equipment being installed by other contractors is done to a high standard by overseeing the work on the customers behalf.

Long range leading light on 30m mast

Other navigational equipment

Halcro can provide Ports and Harbours with assistance in installing and maintaining other aids to navigation, such as navigation lights. Halcro have experience of installing equipment including battery systems for places with no mains supply.

CUT PCB for 9600 radar

Supply of VTS and radar spares

Halcro have access to spare parts for older VTS systems that may no longer be supported by the original VTS supplier. Halcro currently have access to both new and second hand spares, primarily for various Signalis VTS systems. Please contact Halcro for enquiries regarding spare parts.

Screenshots of system logs and errors

VTS system health checks

If your Port or Harbour is running an older VTS system Halcro can provide an appraisal on how to keep the system running into the future. Halcro can also work with their customers to provide alternative solutions to obsolete equipment, such as how to interface an new radar into an older system. 

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